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Brainstorm Blog 2

I would love to create a soundscape that is as honest and chaotic as my brain in my bio class. I was sitting in my general biology lecture hall when I realized that I had not comprehended a single word from my professor's mouth. The lecture was an hour and fifteen minutes long. In retrospect, kind of embarrassing. Active listening is a big goal of mine, but what better way to prove this to myself than doing an art project on the opposite? Daydreaming. Zoning out. Dissociating. Having a class crush you can admire from afar. These are all feelings I want to encompass in my soundscape. I plan on doing this by using any lecture material I can record but distorting them to be muddy and maybe just pure madness. Maybe I will end some sharp, abrupt sounds to symbolize pop quizzes, iClicker questions, and exams. I will also mix a sense of longing for a change of scenery, a familiar feeling as I sit in class. This can be shown with the introduction to the band playing live music I watched last weekend as I would give anything to be experiencing that instead. Lastly, I hope to have a few friends whispering in my listeners' ears, playing around with which speaker would highlight that. I think that this is a universal experience students share so this soundscape can open the dialogue on what learning and listening really have to do with each other.

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